South Dakota: Mount Rushmore

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The 20th century's most famous sculpture grouping, Mount Rushmore depicts the heads of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Lincoln, blasted out of the face of the mountain between 1927 and 1941 by teams of workers under the direction of sculptor Gutzon Borglum, at a total cost of just under $1 million. The heads are carved to the proportion of men 465' tall. Originally, Borglum planned to carve the bodies from the waist up, but only Washington's lapels were completed. There's no more room for additional figures, though grandstanding politicians never stop proposing them.

Mount Rushmore under construction

Postcard of Mount Rushmore under construction

Mt. Rushmore got its name from a joke. In 1885 a young New York lawyer named George Rushmore was vacationing in what was then Dakota Territory. Pointing to the then-unnamed peak, he asked his guide what it was called. "I call it Mount Rushmore," joked the guide...and the name stuck. Forty years later, when sculptor Gutzon Borglum selected the mountain for his carvings, the astonished George Rushmore contributed $5,000 toward the project.

Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore heads. Thanks to the super-zoom lens on my digital camera, here are close-ups of each of the Presidents:

Washington head

Jefferson head

Roosevelt head

Lincoln head

Side view of Washington head, from the road

Side view of George Washington's head, from a road near the mountain

Mount Rushmore from a distance

Mount Rushmore from a distance

Statue of Washington in sculptor's studio

Statue of Washington in sculptor Gutzon Borglum's studio -- used as a model

Further reading:
Rex Allen Smith, The Carving of Mount Rushmore (1994)
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